FMG Focus

Enable common platform for FM, CRE and IT Infrastructure
fraternity to excel thru networking, Collaborating and synchronizing to deliver the best in the industry.

Facility Infrastructure
Creating synergies among Builders, Architects, PMC’s and Occupiers for greater value optimization.

Post pandemic Challenges
Provide information and updates on safety protocols followed in the industry to welcome back their employees and measures for building employee confidence.

Create access to members’ rated and identified Suppliers and Service Providers (both local & Global) in the Industry to optimize value and cost in sourcing the best.

Promote Sustainability practices and initiatives in building the “Efficient Enterprise organization” (EEO) by benchmarking the best in the industry

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Enable full filling the commitments of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by identifying & building a good network of Non-Government Organizations (NGO) and the relevant Government bodies to bring value for the corporate spend.